Getting Married at
Horsham Unitarian Church
Make it Your Day
Horsham Unitarians welcome enquiries for weddings, including same sex marriages. The very first religious same-sex civil partnership in the UK was conducted at a Unitarian church, and same-sex marriages are now part and parcel of what Unitarian churches offer.
Our little church is a beautiful and historic venue which could be just right for your wedding ceremony. It seats up to 100 people. It has a Hall and kitchen facilities and lovely gardens front and back for photographs.
Faith Matters
Getting married is an act of faith – in each other and in life. We do not expect you to hold any particular beliefs in order to get married in our church. However we encourage you to come along to some Sunday Services in order to get to know us and make sure this is the right place for your special day.
Our Minister
Weddings are conducted by our minister Rev Duncan Voice. Duncan will be happy to discuss your wedding plans with you. He will help you create a ceremony that is beautiful and spiritually meaningful to you. You are welcome to bring your own ideas for readings, prayers, music, vows and how you would like the ceremony to work.
Legal Bits
Before getting married at Horsham Unitarian Church, you will need to visit your local Registry Office. If you are marrying outside the district where you live, you will need to be able to state that Horsham Unitarian Church is your usual place of worship. If this is not the case, we expect that you attend a few services before you make this statement.
Fees for Weddings [revised July 2022]:
A 10% non-refundable deposit is required.
Up to 20 people £600.00
20+ people £625.00
For further information please use the Contact Form below or ring 01403 256788.
Horsham Unitarian Church has a piano and an organ. You are also welcome to use your favourite recorded music and your own musicians. If you wish to include hymns, we have two hymn books and can advise you which might be suitable for your wedding.
We are an old building. We have a gallery area with a steep staircase which is not suitable for people with mobility issues. However we have two side entrances which are accessible for a wheelchair and we have a toilet for disabled users.
Car parking
There is limited parking at the southern end of the rear church garden and is at the owner’s risk. Two spaces are available in addition to disabled parking during the period of hire.
Contact the Minister
If you would like to book your wedding or speak to Duncan, please ring him on 07771 609 347, or use the Contact Form below.