Sunday Services
Our services are every Sunday from 10.30 - 11.30 followed by coffee and conversation.
We light a chalice to begin each service; this is our only ritual.
What can you expect at our services?
Sunday morning is our regular time to gather together. We observe times of prayer and reflection; sing songs or hymns, have times of quietness. We listen to readings, poetry - and each other. Music can speak to the heart and soul deeply and powerfully, creating a time of beauty and reflection, so there is always music of some kind. We often light candles and share our joys and concerns.
We usually have an address from our minister or a visiting service leader. The variety brings a rich diversity to our Sundays. Subjects are wide ranging, from traditional faith topics to contemporary issues.
We also have regular member-led services in either the church or our Hall. Members choose themes or activities which are personal and these bring us together in convivial conversation and enlightening discussion.
Community is at the heart of our Sunday services. Our door is open and anyone can join us.